Activities & Amenities
Site Details
Reservation Information
Checkin Time3:00 PM
Checkout Time3:00 PM
Site Reserve TypeSite-Specific
Type of UseOvernight
Maximum Number of People10
Maximum Vehicle Length50
Equipment Length50
Site/Room Information
Site AccessDrive-In
Pets AllowedDomestic
Site Length75
Site Width50
Site Height/Overhead Clearance25
Site GradeSlight
Picnic TableY
Num of Picnic Tables1
Length of shortest side of spur to the wheelstop100
Driveway EntryPull-In
Driveway SurfaceGravel
Driveway Length100
Parking SpacesEnd to End
Fire RingFire Ring w/Grill
Search Category
Looking For CategoryRV Site, Tent Site, Trailer Site
Additional Information
Facility Latitude /GPS41.2883820899999
Facility Longitude / GPS-78.99310497
GIS Details Latitude41.28838209
GIS Details Longitude-78.99310497
Firewood Alert: Bringing firewood into Pennsylvania is prohibited and could result in a citation. To help protect the forest from invasive insects that can kill trees and devastate the ecosystem, please do not transport firewood over long distances. Firewood can harbor insects such as emerald ash borer. The use of local firewood is strongly recommended. All firewood must be burned prior to your departure.
The spotted lanternfly has invaded our area. This invasive insect could cause serious harm to Pennsylvania's resources, businesses, and economy. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAVE! Help us stop the spread of these unwelcome hitchhikers. Inspect your vehicle, camper, tent, gear, etc. before you leave the park and destroy any lanternflies you find. For more information, visit the Penn State Extension's Spotted Lanternfly website at https://extension.psu.edu/.
The spotted lanternfly has invaded our area. This invasive insect could cause serious harm to Pennsylvania's resources, businesses, and economy. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAVE! Help us stop the spread of these unwelcome hitchhikers. Inspect your vehicle, camper, tent, gear, etc. before you leave the park and destroy any lanternflies you find. For more information, visit the Penn State Extension's Spotted Lanternfly website at https://extension.psu.edu/.
- Cell phone coverage is not available or reliable.
- Wildlife, such as bears, coyote, foxes, and raccoons, frequent state forests. All food must be stored appropriately.
- This site is open year-round, however state forest roads are not maintained and often become snow covered, icy, and potentially impassable. Winter access by automotive vehicle is not guaranteed.
- Latrines are not available at this site.
Site Photos