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2020 America’s State Parks Photo Contest Winners

America's State Parks 2020 Photo Contest

America’s State Parks in partnership with recently hosted the fourth annual America’s State Parks Photo Contest. The contest ran from September 1 through October 31, 2020 and provided a forum for state park visitors across the country to share stories in five categories including Camping, Wildlife, Activities, Friends & Family and Scenic & Seasons. The contest received over 13,100 entries and the judges narrowed it down to one grand prize winner and five category winners.

Check out all six photo contest winner stories below and be inspired to plan your next state park visit!

Grand Prize Winner

Photographer: Thomas Moors
Location: Gorges State ParkNorth Carolina
Prize: Igloo Coolers Ultimate Everything-You-Need Prize Pack and one Canon EOS 6D Mark II DSLR camera (valued at $3,318)

Thomas has always been into outdoor adventures including hiking, camping, canoeing, and skiing. During his 10 year anniversary trip to Yosemite National Park with his wife, he didn’t know how to work his new camera and was very disappointed in the images from the trip. As a result, it inspired him to learn how to use the camera and take better photos. This eventually led into his side business taking scenic photos for various companies and teaching others. Today he continues his outdoor photography adventures and all his hard work paid off with our grand prize photo!

“Photographing the Milky Way is one of my favorite things to do as it is an exciting adventure being outside (often alone) in the dark, late at night, in a remote location. As the location of the Milky Way is predictable, I spend many hours looking at maps trying to find spots where I can compose an image with the Milky Way in the background. I knew the Milky Way would be above the bridge over the Toxaway River in Gorges State Park in May and I waited for a clear night with no moon to make the trip. I hiked 5 miles down the Canebrake Trail to the state park campsites near the bridge and spent the day relaxing, wading in the river, and waiting for the sun to go down. Around 2:00am I woke up and went to the river. I carefully setup my camera in the river and then went up on the bridge to pose for the photo.”

Photo Contest Winner Grand Prize

Scenic & Seasons Category Winner

Photographer: Becky Foster
Location: Mount Magazine State Park, Arkansas

Becky says she is very lucky to live within a short driving distance to four state parks. She began taking pictures with a camera phone about 10 years ago and enjoys the simplicity and convenience. Her favorite part of sharing photos is when someone sends a message or comments that a picture reminded them of their wonderful family memories.

“As with everyone else during these unprecedented times, I was getting a little stir crazy being stuck at home. So, I grabbed my iPhone 8+ and drove to my favorite spot. Mount Magazine is almost a magical place. Where else can you drive thru clouds to a beautiful lodge, and have a quiet setting to sit above the clouds. I could feel the calmness immediately. And it didn’t cost a single dime!”

Scenic Photography Contest Winner

Wildlife Category Winner

Photographer: Irina Kozhemyakina
Location: Brazos Bend State Park, Texas

Irina views her world through glasses. Nature and wildlife photography is one of her favorite hobbies because it lets her see better when she zooms in with the camera lens. She often gets up before dawn looking for interesting locations and gets lost in the moment to capture a great shot. Taking a photo of an alligator in duckweed was a dream and Brazos Bend State Park provided the opportunity. For this photo she was visiting the park with her family when she saw the hatchling poke his head out of the water. She named this photo “Curious Kid”.

Wildlife Photo Category Contest Winner

Camping Category Winner

Photographer: FreetheDust
Location: Goblin Valley State Park, Utah

FreetheDust enjoys photography as it makes one slow down and appreciate a place or moment in time. When asked about the story behind the photo he said, “This was the first state park I ever visited in my life. My father took me here when all that was here was a dirt road with a roundabout at the end of it. No signs, no buildings, just a crazy valley in southern Utah. He used to tell me: ‘Once a month, on the full moon, the rocks turn into Goblins. They converse, walk around, and come dawn, they freeze again until the next moon.’ I feel like my photo captures some of this magic.”

Camping Category Winner Photo Contest

Activities Category Winner

Photographer: Lindsay Langham
Location: Wallowa Lake State Park, Oregon

Lindsay is a mother of two boys and state parks have allowed them to make many outdoor memories for their family. She says, “Wallowa Lake has become one of our family’s favorite spots to visit because, obviously, it is gorgeous and there are so many activities we can do. This particular picture was taken at the end of a day on the lake. We took our inflatable kayak and canoe out on the lake to tool around and enjoy the sunshine and scenery. My oldest decided he wanted to paddle in all by himself and I happened to be in the right place at the right time to snap this picture of him with the Wallowa mountains in the background.”

Activities Photo Contest Winner

Friends & Family Category Winner

Photographer: Kaila Servantes
Location: Natural Bridge State ParkVirginia

Kaila enjoys visiting state parks as they provide quality time with family. She says “They also offer a mental, physical, and spiritual escape from the humdrum of our everyday lives. There is nothing better than hiking the trails under the colorful canopy of the trees after a long week of work and activities. During our present COVID-19 pandemic the state parks have been lifeline to me, as well as many others in my community. I captioned this photo titled ‘Exploring History Together’ due to the deep historical significance of this location. This 215-foot naturally carved bridge was a sacred site for a local Native American tribe. Thomas Jefferson purchased this land from King George for $2.40 for his own private escape. He called it ‘the most sublime of nature’s works’. Nearly 246 years later, we get to walk under this magnificent bridge as our founding fathers did and marvel at its beauty with our friends and family.”

Family Photo Contest Winner

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone who participated in the 2020 America’s State Parks Photo Contest!

Check with your Local Government Organization

Many policies have been established to counter and control the coronavirus outbreak. State and local officials have been taking decisive action to stop the spread. The policies vary by state, sometimes to a great degree. When you book a reservation, make sure to review the park and state’s latest rules and regulations prior to your visit.

For COVID-19 updates, please visit our Impacted Park List and Reservation Guide for the latest information.

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